
I love summer its the best you visit all around the world and play with friends. I get to go to Florida and visit my grandma there’s  a pool and shuffle board it’s amazing. My brother and I always have fun I pack a lot. We are staging  there for a week. and the first day we are staging at Universal I’m so excided.



Color Day

Today is color day each grade  has a color they have to wear but not completely. Kindergarten has red, 1st grade has pink, grade 2 has yellow, 3rd grade has blue, 4th grade has orange and 5th grade has green. I am in grade 2 I have yellow. I’m not a big fan of yellow I don’t know why. But I am happy I’m almost in 3rd grade because its blue and my favorite color is blue.




The Crew

I love the crew they are the best. They always help one another they always kind to everyone. The help people learn everyday. We all try new things and share with everyone. We help people that are hurt and play with people how have no one to play with.





Africa is a place where people have to walk a mile to get dirty water. There is one place that someone in Africa discovered a long time ago. But they only uses it for taking baths. In Africa pakti school is the only place that has a bath room like us. We are doing the Africa bridge to help all the people in Africa if you have a kid in Ms Amri’s class you just have fill out the form and you can help if you dont you can read and just donate to help the child’s.

Pictures: Africa | WhiteAfrican

cute baby kittens

Cute baby kittens its so cute. I love kittens is but mostly baby kittens. Its so cute i cant stand it. Omg it super doper adorabol  o my god. I mostly i love black cat are super cute.

Funny Cute Kittens | Funny Animals                                                                                                                                                        cUTe kItTeNS


When I’m 16 I’m going to Paris which is in France!. I cant wait i cant wait to go on the Eiffel tower. I really want are painting  under the Eiffel tower!. I’m super excited to really see Paris. I have no idea what the hotel looks like ?

Eiffel Tower briefly evacuated after bomb threatMAYORS & CITIES


girls lacrosse

Most people don’t know about girls lacrosse. Girls lacrosse is so fun. If you are in my team today would be your 1st game. Also your name would be wacky weirdos. Also on your 1st game you’ll get your uniform.

 Image search: Girls High School Lacrosse Rankings


I love cats they are one of my most favorite animals. Cats are cute and fluffy. If i had another black cat i would name it shadow. Some are indoor cats and outdoor cats. I love cats and all never stop loving cats.
